Síguenos F Y T I T R

Five buildings damaged by subsidence in Ferreries

Tirassec. One of the buildings with severe structural damage

| Maó |

Five allotments in the Tirassec area of Ferreries have been damaged by subsidence, with cracks appearing in the walls of the buildings, some of which may have to be demolished so great is the structural damage. This will depend on the results of surveys yet to be carried out. Dry stone walls have also suffered and part of the lane has dropped by some 30 centimetres.

As a result, the Local Police advised that the lane leading to the allotments, which is a turning off the Es Migjorn road, should be closed, although allotment owners are continuing to use it and one will carry out the necessary repairs.

The clayey earth started to move some three weeks ago, probably as the result of the constant rainfall during this winter, and the fear is that there could be further movement.

Ferreries Council contacted the Island Council regarding the matter and a team of engineers were sent to carry out a preliminary inspection. However, they concluded that a specialist team of geologists would be needed to assess the situation and make a report, following which a decision will be taken on whether or not the allotments can continue in Tirassec.

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