Cancer patients to receive treatment in Ciutadella

An agreement with the private Clínica Juaneda will provide oncology, cardiology and pneumology services

Visit. Vicenç Thomás with Pilar Carbonero


An agreement between the Regional Ministry of Health and the Clínica Juaneda Menorca has resulted in cancer patients in Ciutadella benefiting from weekly visits from an oncologist. The specialist from Palma sees patients in the private clinic every Saturday, morning and afternoon, with nursing staff dealing with their needs during the rest of the week.

The first chemotherapy sessions should be held before the end of the month and these will probably take place two or three days per week in future. According to the Regional Ministry of Health, this new service will deal with approximately 120 cancer patients a year, thus avoiding the need for them to travel to Maó for treatment or specialists' appointments.

Cardiology & pneumology

On a visit to Ciutadella last week accompanied by the town's Mayor, Pilar Carbonero, the head of Clínica Menorca, José Luis Bosch, and the head of IB-Salut in Menorca, Anotoni Gómez Arbona, the Regional Minister for Health, Vicenç Thomàs, spoke also of the cardiology and pneumology services offered by the private clinic which are also included in the collaboration agreement.

The Balearic Health Service (IB-Salut) will pay 150,000 euros per year for the package which will benefit around 500 patients from the Ciutadella and Ferreries districts. Under the agreement the private clinic will provide the human resources and the infrastructure for the services, whilst the Mateu Orfila Hospital will continue to supply the pharmaceuticals.

IB-Salut patients are already using the clinic's cardiology and pneumology services which currently include consultants' visits once a fortnight although it is hoped that these will be increased to once per week in future.


The Health Service also hopes to be able to provide dialysis treatment through the Clínica Juaneda this month. The previous facility was outgrown but once the new one is functioning it will be able to handle 16 patients. After three months, and an investment of 200,000 euros, the work has now been completed and all that remains is the installation of the technical equipment which should arrive shortly.

New Medical Centre

Regarding the possibility of a second medical centre for Ciutadella, Thomás said that the region's needs were being studied. He acknowledged that Canal Salat cannot physically be extended, leaving two options: building a second small medical centre or moving the specialists' consultancies to an alternative site. A decision should be made within approximately two years.

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