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Ciutadella's cyclists to be fined shortly for bad habits

The Council is to start a voluntary register for bicycles in an attempt to reduce the number of robberies and help in recovering stolen bicycles

Cyclists. Receiving leaflets listing good practices - Archives

| Maó |

Cyclists in Ciutadella have just under two weeks in which to rid themselves of any bad habits they may have developed on two wheels, before the Council starts to impose fines on them.

Following the revision of the bylaws, failure to obey the local statutes could result in penalties of up to 1,500 euros. According to the Council, the most common infringements are cycling against the flow of traffic, using a mobile telephone, not obeying traffic signs and using earphones to listen to music.

In an attempt to stop these habits, Ciutadella launched an informative campaign last Tuesday to encourage the correct use of bicycles and bicycle lanes. For the following two weeks leaflets are being distributed to cyclists giving a summary from the manual for good practices, with the heading "Cycle Safely".

This document is a result of a collaboration between the Council and the Instituto Josep Maria Quadrado, and has been produced by the school's director, Pere Ferrer, and the Policía Local Training Officer, Antoni Cladera. As part of the campaign the leaflets will also be handed out in various schools.

Cycle Lanes

At the Council meeting last Thursday, two proposals were on the agenda dealing with awarding the contract for the final work to complete the cycle lane circuit, which will be carried out under Plan E and which will also include the installation of bicycle stands where bicycles can be left.

The lack of these has concerned cyclists, especially after the wave of robberies last summer. For this reason the Council is advising that bicycles be entered in a voluntary register, for which one of the requirements will be the presentation of the purchase invoice.



The manual stresses the importance of the correct choice of bicycle, recommending designs for the city or hybrids.


To guarantee safety, periodic services in specialist workshops are recommended, with special attention to tyre pressure, brakes and lights.


The use of earphones and mobile telephones are two of the most common bad habits which distract the cyclist.


In order to be seen by other road-users cyclists are recommended to use hand signals for turning or stopping.


Pedestrians should always be respected and always have priority.

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