More jobs than applicants at the Mateu Orfila Hospital

EXAMS. The candidates were given tests at the hospital

| Maó |

Although 15 people had applied, only 11 presented themselves for the exams held on Sunday morning to fill the 19 vacancies at the Mateu Orfila Hospital in Maó.

IB-Salut were offering: seven places in Anaesthetics and Resuscitation, but only received five applicants; five in Radiology, which attracted interest from just three people; and four places in Psychiatry, for which there were also three contenders. The only person to have applied for the three vacancies in Paediatrics failed to show for the exam. Half of the vacancies were open to applicants and the other half to be covered by internal promotions.

The job hopefuls had to choose and develop one of the clinical cases proposed in the exam, describing the work method to be used by the doctor and before, during and after care to be provided. They then had to give their reasoning for each of the steps in response to questions from the examiner.

One of the candidates explained that, being a small island, Menorca had little to offer professionally, while another praised the quality of care in the Mateu Orfila, pointing out that waiting lists are far shorter than elsewhere and that the available equipment and resources are not to be found in many hospitals.

In the first selective tests to be held since the Balearic Government assumed responsibility for the regional health service seven years ago, a total of 119 places in the four fields were on offer, for which there were 140 applicants.

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