In Brief

Brains behind Truvi robbery arrested

The man believed to be the brains behind the robbery at Truvi's Garden Centre last summer has been arrested and is currently in prison in Madrid awaiting transfer to Menorca. The suspect, a Romanian named Sarbu, was arrested by security forces in his home country, after a European detention order was issued by the Ciutadella courts, and handed over to the Spanish authorities on 14th October.

A second person, Oussama M., was arrested shortly after the incident and is currently in prison in Palma awaiting trial.

The robbery, which netted 12,000 euros for the thieves, was unusally violent for Menorca and the victims were hospitalised for some time.

Assault victims failed to identify attacker

Some of the victims of the multiple sex offender who struck in the Maó area last March and July failed to identify the attacker in an identity parade held in the Maó courts last week.

Eight of the women were present but failed to unanimously select the attacker from the six men in the parade. One of the victims was certain that the man arrested in connection with the cases, M.A.C.P., was not her attacker. She added that, after the police had arrested the suspect one of her neighbours was followed, but not assaulted, and that the description she gave her friend matched that of the original attacker.

M.A.C.P. has been held in a Palma prison, awaiting trial since July.

Several cases of 'grooming' reported

At least eight families in Ciutadella have reported that their children have been subjected to 'grooming' or sexual assault over the Internet, and more are expected to follow. An unknown person has made friends with the children, building their confidence before asking them to engage in sexual acts in front of the webcam.

Hospital's electric bus service starts today

The electric bus, designed to carry patients with mobility problems from the public bus stop to the Mateu Orfila Hospital, enters service today.

With a purchase price of 20,500 euros, the "Cartagena" model electric vehicle will run every 15 minutes from 0900 to 1400 hrs. and 1500 to 1930 hrs. Monday to Friday, and from 1530 to 1930 hrs,. on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays.

The free service will carry the elderly and physically disabled from the Ronda to the hospital, stopping at the main entrance, A&E and the consulting rooms.

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