New purification plant to be built at Menorca Airport

AENA aims to maintain the highest ecological standards on the island

Airport. The new plant will treat up to 600 cu.m. of water per day


Last year's inauguration of its upgraded terminal facilities has prepared Menorca Airport for growing passenger volumes. The airport operator AENA (Aeropuertos Españoles y Navegación Aérea) is now projecting various measures in order to ensure the long-term efficiency and eco-friendliness of airport operations.

Based on its air traffic and passenger traffic forecasts for the next 15 years, AENA projects, among other adaptations, the construction of a new wastewater purification plant which will be able to treat up to 600 cubic metres of water per day. The planned site for this new facility is a plot of land located southwest of the passenger terminal, in front of the long-term parking lot. The particular advantages of the projected purification plant will be its efficiency and low energy costs.

Besides the construction of this new facility AENA also plans the application of two wastewater pumping stations on the airport compound and the construction of two new oil separation plants to treat the surface water draining off the apron and the private parking areas.

Other measures projected with regard to the long-term development of Menorca Airport comprise adaptations of the 01L-19R runway, the construction of a new 8,458 square metre service area, a repositioning of the airport fencing, upgrade of the light switch units as well as work on the gutters and drainage.

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