Síguenos F Y T I T R

In Brief

Club Vidalba appeals for funds for U.K. trip

The association which provides sporting and leisure activities for the island's handicapped youngsters, Club Vidalba, is appealing for funds for the trip to the U.K. planned for 13th to 20th December.

Six of the club´s members, accompanied by two carers and the President (who is doubling as the driver) will stay at a leisure centre run by the Salesians, near Macclesfield, and hope to visit Liverpool, Manchester, the Peak District and, maybe, Wales.

Apart from being an excellent opportunity for the youngsters to see another country and way of life, the Club hopes to make contact with people with a view to visiting Menorca in summer.

However, Club Vidalba is also feeling the effects of the crisis and, despite the support it receives from regular backers, more funds are needed to cover the cost of the trip. Anyone who feels they would like to help can contribute to this worthwhile cause through Bancaja, account 2077 0814 22 3100584833 (Donation U.K. Trip 2010). Any help would be greatly appreciated.

New exhibitions around the island

The Sant Diego Cultural Hall in Alaior has an exhibition of work by Cosme Sans, marking the thirtieth anniversary of his first exhibition.
From Thursday until 5th January, El Roser Hall in Ciutadella is showing art works belonging to the Town Council.

Saturday one of the wettest in recent times

November looks set to be a wetter month than normal and last Saturday was one of the wettest days in recent times, especially at the eastern end of the island.

The worst-affected area was Sant Lluís district, with 136 litres per square metre being recorded in Binissafúller and 112 litres in the town itself. Between Saturday and Sunday afternoon, the fire brigade was called out on 20 occasions, mainly for flooded basements and garages.

The forecast for the week is for yet more rain, especially today and tomorrow.

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