In Brief

Unemployment tops 7,000 at end of 2010

As had been anticipated, the unemployment figure for Menorca passed the 7,000 mark at the end of 2010 after a total of 190 people were added to the list in December, bringing the overall figure to 7,036, which is 2.8% higher than at the end of 2009.

At a regional level, unemployment now stands at 91,288 and nationally, 4,100,073 (increases of 0.21% and 4.5% respectively in the past twelve months).

Up to 70% discount on first day of sales

The winter sales period started on Friday with the majority of shops offering between 20% and 50% off their products.

However, some clothes outlets, especially those in national or international chains, were discounting up to 70% off their merchandise and opened their doors to find queues waiting on the pavement outside.

After a quieter than usual Christmas period, the majority of shops selling clothes and shoes reported that the first day of the sales was similar to other years, but those trading in perfumes or toys had a quieter day than any in December.

Traffic fatalities rose in Balearics last year

A total of 56 people died as a result of traffic accidents in the Balearic Islands last year, 8 more than in 2009. Driver distraction (40%) and excessive speed (22%)were the principal causes of fatal accidents.

Balearic community has the most marine reserves

Within Spain the Balearic Islands are the region with the most areas designated as marine nature reserves, seven in total (covering 60,000 hectares), one of which is to the north of Menorca.

This covers 5,119 hectares located between the Bay of Fornells and Cap Gros and was declared a marine reserve in 1999. Some 628 species of plant and animal life are to be found within the protected area, which is regularly patrolled and monitored to ensure that the strict regulations governing various activities within the reserve are being observed.

Saint Antoni Abad Day, Menorca's patron saint

Next Monday (17th), a public holiday on the island, is Saint Antoni Abad's Day, the patron saint of Menorca.

The day will be marked by processions in Ciutadella and by the "blessing of the animals" in most towns, with citizens taking their pets or livestock to be blessed by the parish priest.

In Ciutadella there will be a meeting of classic boats on 15th and 16th. On the Saturday, from 1000 hrs. there will be the chance to sail in a traditional 'llaüt', the "Besitos". On Sunday the boats are due to set sail shortly after 1000 hrs. until approximately 1330 hrs.

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