The year ahead for Menorca Britannia

Characters. Dressed in period costume for the March 2010 Collingwood celebrations

Asociación Menorca Britannia

Last week we looked back with a certain amount of pride over the past year. Now we look forward with a great deal of excited anticipation and optimism to our proposed events and visits of 2011.

Saturday15th January we start the year off with a continuation of our Language & Cultural Exchanges together with our friends of the Centre Valencia Menorca. The theme this time will be DIADA Menorca, Sant Antonio Abad and Institutional Acts, Els 3 Tocs a Ciutadella and the Flags of Menorca.

These Language Exchanges will continue on the first or second Saturday of each month depending on the different fiesta days and each with a different theme.

This is followed on Friday 21st January by an interesting morning with the very knowledgeable Andrés visiting just one of the hundreds of small mineral mines that are scattered throughout Menorca. Relics of days past when silver, copper and iron were mined by the locals. There are still deposits and for the enthusiasts small pieces of stone which through a magnifying glass show the wonderful crystal structures of which they are made. This can only be for a small group of able-bodied members as the terrain can be uneven.

On February 19th we are arranging a visit by coach to the cheese farm of Subaida followed by a guided tour of the Sanctuary of Monte Toro. Lunch will be included at the restaurant Sa Posada del Toro.

Bryce has prepared a PowerPoint Presentation, which he has used in the past for visiting groups; during this he will explain the fascinating history of Menorca from its origins through to modern times. This is provisionally arranged for the evening of Wednesday March 10th and will be held in the Sala Multifuncional in Es Castell.

Sunday March 20th and we have completed arrangements for the Menorca Britannia Charity Concert in the Teatre Principal. We are delighted to say that this variety show will star the wonderful soprano Doña Maria Camps, the folkloric group "Es Rebost" with their authentic costumes and music, and the amazing playing versatility of the guitarists of "The Amigos de la Guitarra, Menorca". All the artists have agreed to perform free of charge so that the maximum amount can be raised for our nominated charities which include ALBA (breast cancer research). We have had a lot of support and encouragement from the theatre and the performers and we are all working hard to produce a spectacular evening and we hope you all, our members and the general public, will also show their support and appreciation. Watch out for the publicity in due course.

Arrangements are under way for an Island Tour by coach on, perhaps, March 26th. This will be a variation on previous routes and will therefore be of interest to members old and new.

An excursion is also planned to Ciutadella on the 16th April with visits to the Diocesan Museum and the Cathedral and/or free time to explore the shops before lunch.

With the huge interest shown by the visitors from Newcastle and Morpeth to our Collingwood commemoration last March, Menorca Britannia has been invited to visit together with the folkloric group "Es Rebost" for their 44th Annual "Morpeth Northumbrian Gathering". This always takes place on the weekend following Easter and this year will be on 29th and 30th April and 1st May. They are anxious to position a copy of our bust of Collingwood within the Town Hall precinct and being the copyright holders we have given permission for Helen Ridehaugh to produce a replica, provided it clearly states that it is a copy of the one in Mahón Harbour, Menorca. They are hoping that we can carry out the official act of unveiling during our visit.

As well as giving some five performances during the three-day event, discussions with the Lord Mayor of Newcastle and the Mayor of Morpeth are ongoing and it is hoped that some Civic Events will also be included.

The "Gathering" is the Mecca for folk groups, painters and poets from all over the Northeast of England. With the City of Newcastle and Northumberland having a population in excess of 600,000 inhabitants and the major companies,, EasyJet, Thomas Cook and TUI operating direct flights during the tourist season from Newcastle International airport it would be tragic to miss this wonderful opportunity to showcase Menorca directly to the people of the area.

To take some 25/30 Es Rebost performers, plus Menorca Britannia members to this event is way beyond the means of our small association. Viajes Magón are producing a costing of flights, accommodation and transport for us and we have prepared a project which we are submitting to the Tourist Authorities for help with funding. We believe that this is the time when we should all work together and play a part in promoting tourism which is the life blood of Menorca. Should there be any businesses interested in helping to finance this project then we would be very pleased to discuss details with you.

Hopefully we will just be back from the previous trip with a little time to prepare for the "Menorca Britannica Heritage Week". The first of an annual event, this year this is provisionally set to run from the 7th to 15th May. The Asociación Menorca Britannia has promised to take a prominent role in this event promoted by the Fundación Destí Menorca.

As space is getting short, details of this and further events being arranged in May and June will have to wait until next week's edition.

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