Darts competition in aid of wounded British servicemen

| Maó |

A charity darts tournament will be held on Saturday at the Aloha Bar in Cala en Porter, starting at 1300 hrs. The event has been organised by Don Hyatt (British Legion and SSAFA) and Anne Maddison (Cruz Roja) to raise funds for "Rest and Recover Menorca", a project to provide holidays on the island for soldiers injured in Afghanistan and their partners or carers, the first group being due to arrive in late April.

The competition will be a knockout, playing 501 and the best of three legs, with players limited to a maximum of 32. Entrance will be 10 euros (5 of which will go to the charity and the other 5 towards the cash prizes). Registration is through Phil Lomas on 639 565 940.

A meat paella or sausage and chips will be available to all visitors from 1430 hrs. (8 euros for adults and 5 for children) and should be booked through the Aloha Bar on 971 377 028.

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