Menorca Britannia Events planned for later this year

CULTURAL EXCHANGE. Understanding the history and reasons behind the ‘Diada’


Yesterday was the Diada del Poble de Menorca when the Island's Patron, Saint Antoni Abad (St. Anthony the Abbott) is celebrated with religious and civic events. All our members were supplied with a written history of the origins and reasons of this during the previous week so that they could understand the significance of the events which are arranged in each of the communities. On Saturday last, our monthly Cultural and Language Exchange took place with some members of the Asociación Valencia en Menorca and we especially spoke of the history and reasons behind the Diada. Most attending members found it most enlightening. The attached photograph illustrates attending members of Menorca Britannia showing their loyalty to the Bandera Menorquina.

Following the programme of planned events described in these pages on 4th and 11th January we continue into May. The Fundació Destí Menorca is planning the first of what is hoped will be an annual event. This was promoted during the World Travel Market in London in December and they have chosen to call it the "Menorca Británica Heritage Week". The idea is to link all those relics, fortifications, buildings, language and gastronomy from the British times and to produce a programme to stimulate interest with the British holidaymakers at the beginning of the tourist season, especially those with an interest in the culture and history of the island. This Asociación has been involved since the inception and is committed to help in any way we can and we are prepared and expecting to be taking a major part during the week. The provisional dates of this event are 7th to 15th May and we are now only awaiting final details of the proposed programme from Destí Menorca to enable us to plan our contribution to what is anticipated to be a colourful week of events.

During late May we are planning another Jeep Safari with a picnic in an isolated beauty spot. A different route again, from those of previous safaris. The date is to be announced later.

June will be the Asociación's Annual General meeting followed by our ever popular Dinner Dance.

In mid July, and by almost unanimous requests from our members, we will once again be arranging a boat for members and guests for the Fiesta del Carmen (Blessing of the Fishing Boats).

It is general knowledge that the Isla del Rey is this year celebrating the 300th anniversary of its founding in 1711. They are planning various commemorative events throughout the summer months, June being the actual anniversary. Although Menorca Britannia is expecting to be involved with these events and also give our support to General Alexander and the Fundació Isla Hospital, we are not as yet privy to their projected programme. We have however been informed that ships from Great Britain, Holland, Italy, United States and Spain will be taking part. All those countries whose navies have used the Military Hospital facilities on Isla del Rey at one time or another.

We have also been informed from a reliable source that confirmation has been received from the RAF that the "Red Arrows" will be on Menorca during May 25th, 26th and 27th, to show the flag in the inimitable way that only they can.

It has been agreed by the committee that "Family Membership" is made available for those non- residents with villas and apartments visiting for just a week or two at a time but who also have family members holidaying at other times. We have had many owners asking for this type of membership and we believe this will give the opportunity for all members of the family to enjoy our events/visits etc. when they are in Menorca.

Not before time we now have an IT "Wiz Kid" who is starting to work on updating and building the Menorca Britannia website to include not only reports of past events and photographs but also the historic articles we have published and notices of future planned events. We hope those of you who have regularly visited will soon notice the difference with the extensive new content and that all new visitors to the site will find it interesting and informative.

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