Síguenos F Y T I T R

In Brief

Youth's death investigated

The Maó court is investigating the death of a 22-year old youth, Cristian Cotanda Taura, for supposed medical negligence following a visit to the A&E at the Mateu Orfila Hospital in Maó.

Cristian was taken to the hospital by his mother on Thursday 20th, having not eaten for several days and complaining of nausea, headache and pains in his left arm and chest. He was given a series of tests and told to return on 24th for the results. After being diagnosed with an inflamed liver and prescribed medicines he was sent home where he collapsed and died 18 hours later.

The family are considering suing either the doctor who treated him in the A&E or the hospital itself.

Suspect arrested for two Alaior burglaries

The Guardia Civil and Alaior Policía Local have arrested a man in connection with the two burglaries in the town on 12th January, one at the computer shop PC9 and the other at Disfraces Tony. In locating the 21-year old suspect, A.J.R.P., who is a resident of the island, police recovered a laptop, three printers and a set of speakers stolen from PC9 and the till taken from Disfraces Tony.

Police detain man carrying one kilo of hashish

The Guardia Civil arrested a man last week who was in possession of one kilo of hashish divided into 97 small packages. The 37-year old from Palma, Miguel Ángel M.B., was arrested following an inspection of his vehicle as he disembarked from the Barcelona ferry "Alhucemas", during which the drug was found in a bag in the boot.

Spanair to increase flights in summer

Spanair is to double its flights between the Balearic Islands and the mainland this summer.

The number of connections between Menorca and Barcelona will increase from two to six per day and between the island and Madrid from one to four.

The airline is also laying on more international connections, with flights from Barcelona to Bari (Italy), Naples, Malta and Nice in July and August; from Madrid and Barcelona to Dubrovnik (Croatia) and extra flights to Helsinki and Tel Aviv.

Camí de Cavalls book now on sale in English

The republished English version of the Camí de Cavalls guidebook is now on sale and can be bought for 21 euros from outlets such as the Comercial Papelera, Maó (Maggy Dougan's).

Monthly Exchange Fair in Ciutadella

An Exchange Fair is to be held on the last Saturday of every month, from 1100-1400 hrs. in the Plaça de Roser, Ciutadella.

Unwanted items such as books, furniture, toys, musical instruments, computer equipment, sports equipment, tools, clothing and accessories, domestic appliances, jewellery, food, homemade products such as jams, handicrafts etc., plants and seeds or gardening equipment can be brought along and exchanged for needed items.

Temporary move for Ciutadella fish market

Alterations and improvements to the Plaça des Peix in Ciutadella have forced the fish market to move to temporary premises in the nearby square Francesc Netto where, for the next three and a half months, the fish stalls will be under canvas.

The work on the Plaça des Peix will cost 208,000 euros and take approximately four months.

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