Síguenos F Y T I T R

In Brief

Man arrested after 22 kgs hashish found

A 52-year old man from Barcelona, J.M.B., has been arrested on suspicion of trying to smuggle 22 kgs. hashish in to Menorca in his car.

The drug was discovered by a sniffer dog, Nila, in a vehicle that had arrived from Barcelona on the "Zurbarán" during one of the anti-drug controls currently being run in the ports and airport. The vehicle had to be partially dismantled before the 22 packets of hashish could be located.

Quesería in Madrid demonstration

Seven members of the works committee at the Quesería Menorquina plant in Maó were among the 2,000 to 3,000 marchers demonstrating in Madrid in defence of their jobs within the Nueva Rumasa group.

The board at the Maó factory could this week present a request for a temporary regulation of employment (ERE temporal) which would affect all 184 of the workforce. This administrative procedure consists of the temporary suspension of contracts and would allow the workers (who are not being paid at the moment) to at least claim some unemployment money, whilst still remaining linked to the company. The staff are still owed 60% of January's wage and all of February's.

Proposal to reduce plastic bags by 60%

Various associations have signed a protocol of collaboration with the aim of reducing the number of single-use plastic carrier bags that are used. The Menorcan Councillor for the Economy and Environment, Antònia Allès, stated that the intention was to reduce the use of these bags by 60%. It is estimated that around 22 million plastic bags are used each year in Menorca.

Ciutadella April Fair to return this year

After a year's absence, the April Fair will be held once again in Ciutadella, on 8th, 9th and 10th April.This year it has been moved to a different location - the bus parking area in the Plaça de Es Pins, next to the taxi rank.

Grand Spring Concert in Maó on Sunday

Tickets at 15 euros are now available for the grand spring concert that is to be held on Sunday at the Teatre Principal in Maó, starting at 1900 hrs. Organised by the Asociación Menorca Britannia and presented by Juan Cubas and Bryce Lyons, it will feature soprano Maria Camps, Es Rebost Folk Group and classical melodies from Amigos de la Guitarra Menorca, all of whom are performing free of charge.

The money raised will go to ALBA, the Fundación Isla del Rey and the Asociación Menorca Britannia.

Sponsored walk for animal charities

This Saturday, Rudi Keegan and his two dogs will set out from Cala en Porter at 0900 hrs. on the start of a 10-day, 185 kilometre walk along the Camí de Cavalls to raise money for Cats in Need and the Protectora d'Animals de Maó.

His progress can be followed on Facebook on "March in March Menorca" and donations can be made through Jeanette Hosking on tel. 971 377 644.

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