Josh Coombes, el peluquero de los 'sintecho'

Josh Coombes

Josh Coombes, tras terminar de cortar el pelo a una mujer en las calles de Londres. | Instagram joshuacoombes

| Londres, Reino Unido |

'Hacer algo por nada'. Esa es la campaña que el peluquero Josh Coombes lleva a cabo en Londres, donde ha convertido las calles de la ciudad en su salón de belleza. Y es que, bajo el hashtag #DoSomethingforNothing, Coombes y sus amigos Matt Spracklen y Dave Burt han empezado esta iniciativa con la que alentar a las personas a ayudar a los demás.

Según informa la BBC, Coombes es un joven que desde hace tiempo corta el pelo gratis a las personas sin hogar. La comparativa entre el antes y el después la cuelga en su cuenta de Instagram, que cuenta con miles de seguidores. Al parecer, esta práctica la descubrió en un viaje a Nueva York, donde decidió que ayudaría a los 'sintecho' de Londres.

This is Gregory, 53 years old. Born and raised in North Carolina, before moving to Florida where he spent many years. Gregory arrived in D.C. only a couple of months ago, telling me he came meet some friends that he thought were here in the city. He never found them. He's been homeless and sleeping on the streets since then. Gregory then told me that he has always suffered with mental health problems - "I'll be honest, I've never had a real job, only part time things here and there. It's difficult with my condition, I forget a lot of things and can't interact with other people some days." I know a haircut isn't solving all of somebody's problems, but this has given me the chance to spend time with people like Gregory, that I wouldn't have normally thought to do. But the core of what's really happening here, is just a conversation to see how someone's doing... how easy is that? We all do that each day in our lives. It's about stretching that conversation and time to include other people in our daily norm. #DoSomethingForNothing

Una publicación compartida de Joshua Coombes (@joshuacoombes) el

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