Síguenos F Y T I T R
Es Castell puts forward a one million euro project to revamp the town's square

Councils propose projects for their share of the State fund

Several of the municipal districts have opted to spend their allotment on improvements to roads and streetlighting or to install sewage systems

Es Castell. The town?s central square is in a ?lamentable state?

C.M.W. Maó
The Councils around the island have been working against the clock, drawing up projects to be submitted for State approval for funding before the deadline expires.

Es Castell
The Council has singled out two major reform projects to be financed from its share of the State funding, 1.35 million euros, the Explanada and sports centre.

The Councillor for Urban Development, Irene Coll, said that the square's "lamentable state" necessitated a major project to restore its architectural value as the town's former parade ground. The project for the 10,000 sq.m. square, designed by architect Cristina Moll, will cost in the region of one million euros.

The Council's other candidate for State funding is the second phase of construction work on the municipal sports centre, estimated at around 400,000 euros. Both schemes, in Irene Coll's view, are of social interest and important to the municipality.

Sant Lluís
Sant Lluís has selected twelve projects for its 1.135 million euro share of the fund.

The most costly schemes are the installation of a sewage system in Binifadet, estimated at 360,000 euros, and the resurfacing and removal of architectural barriers in parts of the town, at around 277,000 euros. Repairs and resurfacing the Camí de Ses Vinyes, part of Son Parroquet, La Costa area and the public car park are included in the list, as are repaving in Cala Biniancolla, fencing in the green area in Binibèquer Vell, a sewage system in Ses Barraques, replacment windows for the public school and Town Hall and the creation of a skating rink in the town's sports zone.

Es Migjorn Gran
The Council has decided to use its 268,000 euro share of the fund to finance two schemes; remodelling the Town Hall square and constructing two extra halls for the sports centre.

When the old Town Hall has been demolished, the land will be levelled and landscaped to create a new square in front of the replacement Town Hall.
The second project to be presented is the construction of two new halls, with a total area of 200 sq.m., at the rear of the sports centre.

The projects will cost 70,000 and 198,000 euros respectively.

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