Síguenos F Y T I T R
U.K. bookings for non-euro countries increasing

Tourists feel Menorca does not offer value for money

C.M.W. Maó
At the recent tourism trade fair in Madrid (FITUR) the message that the Fundació Destí received loud and clear from both tour operators and airlines was that Menorca does not offer the tourist value for money.

Both the authorities and the private sector will have to react if the island is to keep its head above water in these difficult economic times, either by reducing prices or by adding value so that the tourist receives more for the same money. Otherwise the island will lose its attraction for tourists, especially in comparison to countries outside the euro zone which at present are the only ones experiencing an upturn in tourism from Britain, countries such as Turkey which has seen a 20% increase, Tunisia (8%), or Egypt (9%). In the same market, Menorca has seen a drop of 30%, similar to Greece. The Councillor for Tourism, Lázaro Criado, believes that if this summer brings a similar number of tourists to the island as last year it would be "an extraordinary success".

During the trade fair, the Fundació Destí offered to help tour operators so that they would continue to work with the island and to include Menorca in their programmes. Support was also offered to the airlines, some of which are flying to the island for the first time this season, such as BMIbaby, and others which are increasing their flights, such as Jet2.com, Monarch and Easy Jet. Marketing agreements have been signed with various tour companies and airlines.

The foundation also held around 30 meetings with Spanish Tourist Offices abroad to gain information on different countries in order to diversify the demand. This week travel agents from various countries will visit the island on a familiarisation trip to further promote Menorca.

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