Síguenos F Y T I T R


n Tuesday 17th
0800-1400 hrs. Open-air markets in Maó, Ferreries;
1345 for 1400 hrs. The Rotary Club lunch meeting at the Restaurante Minerva in the port of Maó. Visiting Rotarians and companions welcome;
1500 hrs. "Bookworms" - storytelling in English for children aged 3 to 7 years at Flat 2, Carrer Xaloc 24, Santa Ana. Tel. 971 359 934 for further information;
2100 hrs. Tonight's fixtures in the Menorcamart.com Darts league:
Division A
Fun House A v Delfin B
Castillo B v Castillo A
Skippy's v San Mames
Windsor v Anchor
Hallissy's v Casino
Division B
Bar Pons v Sa Grava
Delfin A v Champs
Aloha v Smithy's
Fun House C v Fun House B
Coach v Bar Pins

n Wednesday 18th
0800-1400 hrs. Open-air markets in Es Migjorn and Es Castell;
1000 hrs. The Menorca Bowls Club meets at the bowls green opposite the San Luis Hotel, S'Algar. Everybody welcome. Contact the Captain, John Smith, on 971 939 045;
1915 hrs. The Menorca Bridge Club meets at the Hotel Port Mahón. Visitors welcome. Further information from Club Director, Peter Barlow, on 971 188 559 or Janet Brown on 971 188 856.

n Thursday 19th
0800-1400 hrs. Open-air markets in Alaior and Fornells;
1800 hrs. Carnival Ball in the Restaurant Jeni, Es Mercadal;
1830 hrs. Children's fancy-dress parade in the Centre de Cultura, Es Castell.

n Friday 20th
0800-1400 hrs. Open-air markets in Ciutadella and Ferreries;
1130 hrs. Fancy-dress parade by pupils at the Arc de Sant Martí infant school in Es Mercadal;
1200 hrs. Fancy-dress parade by students at the Mare de Déu del Toro school, Es Mercadal;
1230 hrs. Age Concern Lunch at El Picadero Restaurant. Bookings through Betty Wilkinson on 971 377 427;
from 1530 hrs. Carnival fiesta with entertainment from Jean Claude in the Castell de Santa Àgueda school playground;
1800 hrs. Free music and children's entertainment with Pinyeta Pinyol in the marquee in the Contramurada, Ciutadella;
1930-2300 hrs. Carnival parade through the streets of Ciutadella;
2030 hrs. Fancy-dress party with make-up workshop, dance and fancy-dress competition in the Casal de Joves, Ferreries;
2200 hrs. Free fancy-dress ball with music from Free Soul in the marquee in the Contramurada, Ciutadella;
2300 hrs. Free fancy-dress ball with the band Guateque Maravillas in the Casino 17 de Gener, Ciutadella;
2400-0200 hrs. Free fancy-dress ball with the band Huracán in the marquee in the Contramurada, Ciutadella.

n Saturday 21st
a.m. Open-air markets in Maó and Ciutadella;
0900-1300 hrs. Craft market in the Plaça Espanya, Ferreries;
1000 hrs. The Menorca Bowls Club meets at the bowls green opposite the San Luis Hotel, S'Algar. Everybody welcome. Contact the Captain, John Smith, on 971 939 045;
1730 hrs. Fancy-dress parade through the streets of Ferreries, starting from the Plaça Francesc d'Albranca;
1800-2000 hrs. Collectors' market in the Claustre del Carme, Maó;
2000 hrs. Folk performance by the group Tramontana in the UAAS Centre, Ciutadella;
2000-2300 hrs. Students ball with the entertainers Miquel in the Casino 17 de Gener, Ciutadella;
2130 hrs. Tapadets Ball in the Margalida Florit School, Ciutadella with folk dancing from Arrels de Sant Joan;
2130 hrs. Carnival parade through the streets of Es Mercadal, starting in the Plaça Constitució;
2130 hrs. Free fancy dress ball with Samurada & Voltios in the marquee in the Plaça des Born, Ciutadella.
2300 hrs. Fancy-dress ball with the band Guateque Maravillas in the Casino 17 de Gener, Ciutadella;
2330 hrs. Carnival Ball with the band Sarau in the marquee in Plaça Espanya, Ferreries.

n Sunday 22nd
0700-1400 hrs. Sunday market in Es Freginal Park, Maó;
0830-0900 hrs. Boat departs from Moll de l'Hospital, Carrer Fontanillas, Es Castell for guided visits to the Isla del Rey in Maó harbour (returning at 1100 hrs.);
0900-1300 hrs. Sunday market (new and second-hand items) in the Parque des Freginal, Maó;
1000-1330 hrs. Fund-raising shop for neutering, caring-for and feeding Menorca's stray cats - printed and handmade greeting cards, diaries, calendars and gifts - at Noria Riera 16, Es Castell. Tel. 610 012 628 (0930-1400 hrs.) for further information;
1100 hrs. Menorca Christian Fellowship meets at premises on main road opposite the furniture store Mobles Allés in Ferreries. For details contact Alan on 687 016 426;
1100 hrs. Cercle Artístic's children's fancy-dress party in the marquee in the Plaça des Born, Ciutadella;
1130 hrs. Trotting races at the Hipódromo, Maó;
1730 hrs. Carnival parade around Ciutadella, starting from Carrer Sant Antoni Mª Claret;
1730 hrs. Children's carnival parade in Es Mercadal, starting at the Plaça Pare Camps;
1900 hrs. Jambient presents an Arts Night at the Akelarre in the port of Maó - live music, dancing, painting, photos, poetry etc.;
1930 hrs. Concert by Francisco Royo, trumpet, David Francés, horn, Miquel Llario, trombone, and Guillem Busquets, piano, in the Espai Rotger, Alaior
2030 hrs. Free carnival ball with performance by Kevin in the UAAS Centre, Ciutadella.

n Monday 23rd
a.m. Open-air markets in Es Castell and Sant Lluís;
1000-1230 hrs. The Red Cross Craft Group meets at El Picadero Restaurant. Further information from Janet Brown on 971 188 856;
1000 hrs. The Menorca Bowls Club meets at the bowls green opposite the San Luis Hotel, S'Algar. Everybody welcome. Contact the Captain, John Smith, on 971 939 045 for further information;
2100 hrs. Darrer Dilluns Ball (Last Monday Ball) with the folk group Es Born in the Bar del Cercle Artístic, Ciutadella (free);
2100 hrs. Carnival Ball in the Sala Multifuncional, Es Mercadal;
2200 hrs. Ses Tauletes Ball with music from Kati Cris and Kevin in the Casino 17 de Gener, Ciutadella. Previous booking needed.

n Anglican Church in Menorca
Anglican Church Services are held in English at the Santa Margarita Church, Calle Stuart 20, Es Castell:
1100 hrs. Holy Communion (BCP)
1100 hrs. Healing Service
0900 hrs. Holy Communion
1100 hrs. Family Communion and Junior Church
The Reverend Dr. Michael Bunce can be contacted by telephone on either 971 352 378 or 617 222 382.

n Forthcoming events
Tuesday 24th February - Menorcamart.com League darts fixtures:
Division A
Delfin B v Hallissy's
Castillo A v San Mames
Casino v Fun House A
Anchor v Skippy's
Windsor v Castillo B
Division B
Sa Grava v Aloha
Fun House B v Bar Pons
Village Pub v Coach
Fun House C v Delfin A
Bar Pins v Smithy's

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