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British travel agents ask for cheaper prices in low season

| Maó |

The Association of British Travel Agents (ABTA) has asked that tourist accommodation prices in Menorca be made more attractive and competitive in low season, particularly in the months of May and June. To date, bookings for this period are down on previous years and this has been attributed to general elections in May and the football world cup in June, both events that could encourage the British to stay at home.

During his recent visit to the island Hugh Morgan, Director of ABTA and Director General of Cosmos Monarch, explained that price was all important when it came to pushing sales in the low season, with clients looking for attractive offers.

Nevertheless, Morgan is confident that Monarch will sell the 120,000 places included in its Menorca programme this summer, despite cheaper competition from countries outside the euro zone, such as Turkey and Egypt.

During the second week in January, holiday sales increased in Britain, probably due to the wintry conditions, and bookings for Menorca are now 9% lower than usual, compared to 12% last year. The ABTA Director believes that this figure will improve over the next few weeks, resulting in a season similar to or better than last year.

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