Wide range of events makes visit a resounding success

The months of preparation and hard work by local association members bring a welcome boost to island businesses and to Maó in particular

Fond Farewell. HMS Monmouth passes the Collingwood bust on the Illa del Rei - Menorca Britannia

| Es Castell |

Following the months of planning, frustrations and a lack of interest on the part of some sectors, the Commemorative events organised by the Asociación Menorca Britannia can only be described as a resounding success.

It was an event designed to remember a part of Menorca´s history and the part that a great British Admiral played in it. The event was also designed to highlight Menorca in the UK as a destination of choice for those tourists with an interest in history and to leave another attractive dimension to be seen by future visitors, especially those from the North East of England.

The huge press coverage not only in Menorca but also in Newcastle and the North East is already "bearing fruit" as a group of 30 retired ex-sailors and their spouses from the Royal Naval Reserve base on the River Tyne, HMS Caliope, have already booked with Enrique at the Hotel Almirante Collingwood for a week in May. Visits of interest to them are already being arranged by Menorca Britannia.

From Friday 26th March until the departure of the last of our VIP guests on Friday 2nd April the week was full of memories to treasure.

Day 1, and a one hour earlier arrival time being emailed from the ship the previous evening, 9.00am saw our intrepid photographer and member Steve Morgan in position on La Mola having scrambled over rough terrain to take the first photo of the weekend - HMS Monmouth passing Cap de Espero and the Vickers Guns. His attendance at all the events has given us a wonderful catalogue of over 800 images of the event.

The two highlights were, of course, the visit of HMS Monmouth and the presentation to Menorca of our especially commissioned bust of Admiral Collingwood.

Firstly we must publicly thank Admiral Sir Mark Stanhope (the First Sea Lord) for his positive response to the request made last May by our Vice President, Bryce. Sir Mark was personally thanked by Bryce and Sheila early last month when they represented Menorca Britannia at the official event in Newcastle but a letter is being prepared to thank him once again and to say how fantastically well Commander Tony Long and his whole crew conducted themselves whilst here. Their hard work and enthusiastic hospitality was noticed by all and they were all tremendous ambassadors for the UK. We have to thank Captain Freddie Price, the Defence Attaché at the British Embassy in Madrid and also our British Consul, Deborah Hellyer, for the local organisation for Monmouth´s visit and all the necessary protocols that were involved.

Secondly we must thank our chosen artist, Helen Ridehalgh, for all her research and the excellent finished work of art she has produced. The Collingwood Bust has already been remarked upon and admired by so many. It is as near to the paintings of him and other likenesses in the UK as to be as close to perfect as is possible.

In respect of this commission we must thank our financial sponsors who believed, like ourselves, in the long term benefits to tourism this project will bring. The Family Pons Montanari of the Hotel Almirante Collingwood, Sr. Javier Mora of Gin Xoriguer, the Family Casals of Hort de Sant Patrici, Andreas Herrero and Family of the Restaurant El Faro and Pedro, everybody's friend, of Boat Centre fame.

To organise a series of events such as these would be impossible without the support and help in kind of many. The Menorca Britannia organising committee would like to publicly thank the following: President Marc Pons and the Consell Insular for sponsoring and organizing our Official Reception. The Ajuntament de Maó for organising the special Organ Recital in the Santa Maria Church, and for the loan of the stage within the marquee. Thank you to Tomé Olives the organist. The Ajuntament de Sant Lluís for the work involved in the moving and erection of, and the loan of the marquee and also the help in organising the Collingwood Football Match and the trophy.The Ajuntament d'Es Castell for the organisation of the artesan market. The Port Authority for permissions to use their area and the hard work of the Port Police. Thanks go also to Paola Ferroni of Golf Son Parc who sponsored the Collingwood Golf Tournament and trophy.

Our grateful thanks also go to Sr.Carreras and Jose Maria of Autobuses Mahon for the use of coaches free of charge for VIP airport transfers and excursions for the crew of HMS Monmouth and to Sr. Nicolas Bordoy of Apartmentos Royal for their specially reduced rates.

The entertainment during the afternoon of Sunday was all given freely. The wonderful display by the horses of EQUIMAR, the Menorquin Folkloric Display by the musicians and dancers of ES REBOST, and the playlet performed by the Menorca Charity Players. Unfortunately these last two events lost a good part of their audience when Monmouth opened to the public. This was something that was not in the planning as, for security reasons, it was originally only going to be invited groups allowed aboard. Nevertheless their combined efforts were thoroughly enjoyed by everyone. We sincerely thank you all.

We would also like to make special mention of our members Andreas Herrero for generally opening doors and setting up meetings and Roy Sutherland who efficiently organised the sporting events. Purita Martin for her translations and also Dilly Bundy for her beautiful script on the official invitations and Barbara Lowe´s on the envelopes.

The COLLINGWOOD 200th ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL EDITION HORT MERLOT from the bodega of Hort de Sant Patrici was an added attraction to the event, and well received at the reception. Also well received was the consignment of beer to Monmouth's crew by San Miguel. Carrying on the tradition of the Marques de la Solana (Governor of Andalucia) sending barrels of wine to Collingwood immediately after the Battle of Trafalgar.

Finally it is the general public we have to thank for their enthusiastic welcome to HMS Monmouth and the interest they have shown in the Collingwood Commemoration. Perhaps we have provided a little fillip of optimism to the "doom and gloom" that seems to surround us at the present time.

There will be more in next week´s pages about the Menorca Britannia "Collingwood Garden" on Illa del Rei, the location of the Collingwood Bust, the planting of the gift of trees from the North East of England and more of future plans.

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