ABC's Networking Breakfast a "resounding success"


The first Networking Breakfast to be held in Menorca was pronounced a "resounding success" by participants.

Organised by ABC Menorca, and held in Can Pep last Thursday, the event attracted in excess of 40 particpants and 8 business presentations. The association's President, Colin Guanaria, stated that it had been "an ideal business to business opportunity for people to meet like-minded people". He added that the intention was "to build on the success and hold similar meetings in the future" which will be in addition to the regular business meetings held at 1700 hrs. on the first and third Tuesdays of the month in the CAEB offices on the Maó Industrial Estate.

The association will continue to have meetings with the Fundació Destí Menorca and fully supports their programme to develop niche tourism, particularly in the low season, such as weekend breaks, mountain biking, horse riding, flora and fauna and holidays based on history, culture or gastronomy.

ABC Menorca has had to call off the Business Fair planned for 14th and 15th May in Es Mercadal Recinte Ferial as the venue was double-booked for the weekend by the Town Council.

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