Spanish tourists accounted for 97% of visitors in March

| Maó |

Statistics released by ASHOME (the Menorcan Hoteliers' Association) show that 97.38% of tourists occupying the hotels that were open in March were Spanish. The figure inidicates the potential of Spanish 'senior' tourism (IMSERSO) which filled the four hotels working with the programme in low season - Farragut, Aguamarina, Topacio and Hamilton.

During the month 8.1% of the hotels on the island were open and enjoyed an occupancy rate of 87.1%, an increase of 14% on last year's figures.

The airport's figures confirm the increase in domestic arrivals. Although the number of passengers on scheduled flights rose from 35,037 in 2009 to 40,556 this March, the total number of charter passengers, 3,706, was 454 down on last year.

Senior tourism is a market that Menorca should encourage to extend the season according to Joan Juanico from ASHOME, and not only from Spain. The association is working to implant the European senior programme on the island, although the first attempt last year failed due to the lack of direct flights to the countries involved, mainly Eastern European countries. The association is now trying to reach an agreement with tour operators to extend the programme to include senior tourists from Britain and Germany.

On another note, ASHOME's figures show that the occupancy rate for the hotels open over Easter was 65%.

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