Full length of the Camí de Cavalls now open to public

Es Grau. Authorities enjoying a quiet walk along the path

| Maó |

Politicians and representatives from the association for the defence of the Camí de Cavalls gathered last Friday at the milestone marking 'kilometre zero' on the bridle path to celebrate the fact that the full length of the path encircling the island is now open to the public and can be freely used by hikers, cyclists and horse riders.

The event marked the end of a fifteen year struggle with landowners to achieve public ownership for the whole of the historic route and two years of clearing the undergrowth and obstacles to allow easy passage for users.

Closely following the coastline for the majority of its length, the 184 kilometres of path is divided into 20 sections, each of which is now clearly signposted and fitted with an information panel giving details of that particular stretch.

The work carried out on the path to date is the first phase of a project that has cost 931,000 euros, financed by the Department of the Environment and Rural and Marine Environment through the National Programme for Natural Paths.

The second phase will involve work aimed at making the path more easily passable, such as setting stepping stones in the wet areas or constructing crossings over streams and providing rest areas.

Menorca's Camí de Cavalls is now registered with the European Network of Long Distance Paths and its completion could attract visitors from home and abroad interested in different forms of "active tourism".

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