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Menorca Charity Players in "Last Tango in Little Grimley"

Casino Mahonés. A beautiful setting for the evening - MCP

| Maó |

Theatre suppers have returned to the island or, to be more precise, a theatre dinner, which is to be held on Friday and Saturday, 4th and 5th June, in the beautiful setting of the Casino Mahonés in Maó.

The production is "The Last Tango in Little Grimley", a comedy which old-timers on the island may remember from ten years ago when it was first performed by the Menorca Charity Players, then in their first year and numbering just six members. Now, a decade later, the one-act play is being performed once again, starring Shirley Smith, Andy Sharpe and Chris and Cathy Collman, under the eagle eye of producer Chris Collman, with behind-the-scenes help from Annie Sharpe, Mike Collins and Janice Rayfield.

The elegant gentlemen's club in Plaça Princep will host the event which starts at 1930 hrs. for 2000 hrs. when dinner will be served, three courses, with choices of starters and main courses, and wine included. Diners will then remain at their tables to enjoy the evening's entertainment.

The cost of the dinner and play is just 25 euros per head and tickets are available from Ca'n Dulce, Sant Climent, Monet Hairdressers, Sant Lluís, Scandals Restaurant, Es Castell, Comercial Papelera, Maó or via email on menorca.charity.players@gmail.com. A map will be provided to show where the venue is located.

As was the case ten years ago, the profits from the show will be donated to Age Concern Menorca.

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