Proposed vehicle underpass at La Salle junction in Maó

The project would provide a direct underground route for vehicles on the Vía de Ronda heading to the industrial estate and airport and vice versa

La Salle. The scheme would relieve congestion at one of Maó’s busiest junctions

| Maó |

The Balearic College of Civil Engineering has proposed creating underpasses at La Salle roundabout as an alternative to the construction of the orbital road put forward in both the General Town Plan for Maó and the Island Council's Road Plan.

The orbital road would mainly run along nearby lanes in the Maó, Sant Lluís and Es Castell districts with the intention of decongesting traffic in the triangle formed by the three municipal districts. However, the College of Civil Engineering does not believe this to be the best option as the second stage planned for this road would cross areas of land in Llucmaçanes that, geographically, are at different heights. This would involve major construction work as well as having an impact on the area.

The College proposes the construction of an underpass at the junction which would provide a direct underground route for vehicles on the Vía de Ronda heading for the industrial estate or the airport and also for vehicles coming from the direction of the airport and heading for the Vía de Ronda. The existing junction would be used for all other routes.

According to the College, this is a simple solution that would cost less than an orbital road and would increase the flow of traffic, lessen the pressure on the roundabout and increase safety levels in an area which contains one of the island's largest schools. The plan also includes the construction of a pavement on the section of the airport road closest to La Salle school.

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