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Ample choice of events for Menorca Britannia members

The association was formed in order to "further the close relationship between the people of Menorca and the British residents and visitors

Visit. Members on one of the many outings organised by the association

| Maó |

The Menorca Britannia Association's committee, under its new President Bryce Lyons, is currently busy organising various guided excursions and cultural events which will provide its ever-growing membership, now numbering over 200, with a better knowledge of the island and its relationship with the United Kingdom.

Chief amongst these, and in conjunction with the Fundación Illa del Rei, will be the celebrations next June marking the 300th anniversary of the hospital built by the British on the islet in Maó harbour, full details of which are not yet available but which are expected to include international visitors. There may possibly be a British Heritage Week which would cover many aspects of the British presence in Menorca during the 18th century and highlight the legacy left by the British.

Following on the success of last March's Collingwood Commemorations, a project is being developed to forge cultural and educational links between schools in the Tyneside area and here in Menorca. The benefits of these would not only be felt by the children but could also have positive results for tourism.

The association is currently waiting for plans to be approved before a start can be made on creating a small Collingwood Commemorative Garden on the Illa del Rei, work which would continue through the winter so that the project is completed before next year's celebrations.

In the more immediate future various events have been planned, including a guided visit around the Mongofra estate, another to the prehistoric site of Talatí, grape-picking at the Hort de Sant Patrici, a joint event with the Valencianos (with paella and British 'puds'), a presentation by the National Police and another by Colonel Fornals on the influence of three British admirals on Menorca in the 18th century. In addition, a gala concert is being organised in Maó for the period between Christmas and the New Year, with some of the proceeds going to breast cancer.

A wide variety of activities with something to suit everyone and an example of the fine organisational ability of the committee of an association which has come a long way in its six years of existence.

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