Air Nostrum carried 11% more passengers in summer

| Maó |

Air Nostrum, the regional airline which operates as a franchisee of Iberia Airlines, increased the number of flights and passengers carried between 28th March and 31st October by 11%, compared to the same period last year.

In total 220,000 passengers flew on the 6,115 flights operated by the airline (with an average occupancy of 64%), making it the biggest flight operator on the island. The company offered direct flights to one French (Paris) and 12 Spanish airports (two more than in 2009).

Winter connections

This winter Air Nostrum will operate direct flights to four destinations; Mallorca, Valencia, Ibiza and Madrid. There will be nine flights in each direction between Mallorca and Menorca, two flights per week to Ibiza, one per day in each direction to Madrid-Barajas and six per week to Valencia.


The airline's Managing Director, Miguel Ángel Falcón, stressed that the final price charged for tickets depended on supply and demand plus operating costs, but pointed out that Air Nostrum reduced its prices by an average of 12% last year.

He undertook to "talk to Iberia" to ask that the airline's online booking facility includes a section advising that passengers aged over 65 years or under 20 flying to another Balearic airport may be entitled to a further 20% discount, a fact unknown to the majority of travellers.

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