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UPyD party to hold forum on "The British in Menorca"

| Maó |

The Progressive and Democratic Union party is to hold a forum this Thursday (in Castellano) on "The British in Menorca", which will be held at the Casino in Sant Climent at 2000 hrs., with speakers Francisco Fornals, Joan Torres and George Ferrara.

UPyD explain that the main reason for holding the forum is to look at a fact that is becoming more important by the day and that is, the British presence (past and present) on the island.

An introduction will be given by Francisco Fornals (a retired Colonel and currently Director of the Menorcan Military Museum) who will speak from a historical point of view. Joan Torres, Director of the estate agency, Bonnin Sanso, will take a more commercial approach to the subject and George Ferrara, a businessman connected with different facets of tourism, will look at the social aspects.

The talks will be followed by an open debate, when the organisers will welcome questions and suggestions which help them understand the public's needs, and finish with a glass of cava.

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