In Brief

Person responsible for 'grooming' identified

The security forces have identified the person denounced by nine familes last month for 'grooming' (sexual harrassment over the Internet). The victims were all pupils at primary schools in Ciutadella.

According to police sources, the suspect, who has never been to Menorca, committed the offences using a computer located in the province of Málaga and the possibility that other children may also have been his victims is not being ruled out.

Having identified the supposed perpetrator, police now have to locate the person so that the investigation can continue, leading to their arrest.

In each case the person hid behind false identities, sometimes pretending to be the famous singer Lucía Gil, and used "Messenger" (a free, instant messenger service) to make contact with his victims. Initially, the relationship between the suspect and victims was warm and friendly but soon developed sexual overtones with suggestions made for sexual acts to be carried out in front of the web cam.

The alarm caused by the cases of grooming led to Ciutadella schools warning the pupils and their parents of the possible dangers of using the Internet.

Maó to spend 110,000 euros improving polígono

The company Fomento de Construcciones y Contratas (FCC) has been contracted to care for the more than one million sq.m. which make up the four phases of the Maó industrial estate.

Maó Council has set aside 60,000 euros for gardening work and a further 50,000 euros for repairs to the roads, pavements and streetlights, clearing the gutters and replacing manhole covers, plus other improvements.

The Mayor has also called on companies on the polígono to contribute to the overall effect by keeping their properties clean and in good order.

The long-overdue improvements are to be carried out on all four stages of the industrial estate.

Cardiology section to be reinforced "soon"

The Menorcan branch of the Balearic medical union SIMEBAL has denounced delays in holding examinations to fill specialist vacancies at the Hospital Mateu Orfila, especially those in the Cardiology section.

The only cardiologist currently on the staff of the Maó hospital, Doctor Carlos Sánchez Lafraya, has been on sick leave for approximately one month and could be off work indefinitely.

The examinations to find two more specialists to work as a team with Sánchez Lafraya have still not been held so instead of having three cardiologists at the hospital there are none at the present time.

However, Health Department sources insist that, despite Sánchez Lafraya's absence, medical care for cardiology patients "is guaranteed". Routine consultations are being covered by the Internal Medicine section and emergencies and preferential cases by the Intensive Care Unit, which is also carrying out complementary tests. In addition a cardiologist from Son Dureta makes a weekly visit to Maó and the length of his visit is shortly to be extended.

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