Daylight shows through far end of the Ferreries tunnel

The 252 metre long tunnel and 4.5 kilometres of bypass will cost a total of 21.3 million euros (excluding IVA) and should be completed by the year end

Breakthrough. The excavator removing the final layer of rock from the tunnel

| Maó |

Work is progressing well on the island's most ambitious construction project to date, the tunnel on the Ferreries bypass. Shortly after midday last Wednesday the excavators broke through the far end of the tunnel, allowing daylight to flood through its 252 metre length. Political figures were on hand to raise a celebratory glass of cava with the site workers. Referring to the breakthrough, the President of the Island Council, Marc Pons, stated "we are on the point of seeing the light at the end of the tunnel".

It is estimated that the excavation work, for which a modern Austrian system has been used, will be completed by the beginning of March and that the tunnel will be ready for use in June. The whole bypass project is estimated to be between 30% and 35% complete and should be finished by the end of the year, bringing an end to a 30-year wait for residents in Ferreries for an alternative route which would avoid the dangerous bottleneck on the Me-1 as it passes through the town.

The tunnel, which will carry three lanes of traffic each 3.5 metres wide (two heading towards Ciutadella and one to Maó), plus the 4.5 kilometres of bypass, has a price tag of 21.3 million euros (excluding IVA).

The Island President announced that next Sunday, 20th February, there will be "open doors" so that members of the public can visit the tunnel and see for themselves the work that has been achieved to date.

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