Síguenos F Y T I T R
English compositions

Maria's Life

Mónica Gomila 4t ESO C
I.E.S Josep Miquel i Guàrdia

This woman is called Maria. She's forty years old, and she didn't have an easy life, but she is really brave and she's always fought to obtain her propositions.
Maria was born in Rivas, a town in Nicaragua, and her parents died when she was only five. Then, she went to an orphanage in Managua, and she had to stay there until she was sixteen years old.
In the orphanage she learnt to write and read, and some lessons about Maths and History. The teachers were really strict to her, and she felt really alone, so she didn't have a happy childhood.
Maria dreamt of studying in the university to be a teacher, but she was poor, so she didn't have money to pay for her studies. But Maria didn't give up, and when she went out of the orphanage, she worked as a servant seventeen hours a day in a house for five years After that, she didn't go to the university, but she could pay a person who taught her some lessons, and consequently, she could work in a school asan assistant.
When she started to work in a primary- school, she met a man, and she fell in love. After three years, Maria married him, and they had two children.
When she had her first baby, she had to stop working, so they didn't have money to pay a nurse for their son.
Maria was really happy with her family, but one morning, when her husband was walking to work, a car ran overmaid and killed him. Maria was very sad, she was a widow, with two children, and she didn't have any money to feed her family, so she had to move to a little town, and she had to live in a cabin with her sons. Maria had to work very hard to survive. In the mornings she worked in a coffee plantation and in the evenings she taught lessons in a school.
Little by little Maria and her family got over their bad situation, and they could come back to Managua. There, Maria got her old job, in a primary school, and she got married again, and had two more children.
Now, she goes to university, and at her age, she's studying to be a teacher, and she's the president of president of an association who's helping women with the same situation like her in the past.
Maria is happy, and she is proud of herself.

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