COINGA receives Island Council's marketing award


COINGA (Cooperativa Insular Ganadera), Menorca's dairy cattle farmers' co-operative, has received the '2010 Award for the Best Catalan Marketing Campaign Conducted by Menorcan Enterprises' sponsored by the Island Council. The prize – valued at 3,000 euros – was presented to COINGA by Joan Lluís Torres, the Councillor for Culture, Patrimony, Education and Youth.

The award has been launched in order to encourage the use of Catalan by island-based companies in their communication. The winner was chosen by a jury comprising representatives of the Island Council, the PIME federation and the Association of Young Entrepreneurs as well as various island-based companies specialising in publicity and marketing design.

COINGA was rewarded for its 2010 marketing campaign promoting the company's local identity. Centred around the slogan 'Beu llet 100% de Menorca", the campaign involves conventional marketing tools – such as promotional texts, advertising and display stands for supermarkets – as well as the Facebook and YouTube social networks. COINGA's award-winning campaign has been designed by IK Comunicació, the label of local art director, designer and music producer Ivan Khanet.

COINGA, which was set up as a co-operative of dairy farmers in 1966 and started bottling milk in 1968, saw a steady development of its production in 2010, collecting and processing 31.9 million litres of milk, compared to 32.1 million litres in 2009. Despite maintaining production levels, the collective's turnover has been affected by declining milk prices, reaching 15.1 million euros compared to 16.2 million euros in 2009 and over 17 million in 2008. The co-operative has some 50 employees.

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